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SKT Restara

SKT Restara

هذا قالب فرعي من SKT Pizzeria.

  • النسخة 1.4
  • Last updated يناير 3, 2025
  • Active installations 100+
  • PHP version 7.4

SKT Restara theme can be used to create food and restaurant websites. Use cases: Eating house, lunch, dinner, chef, recipe, fish, turkey, chicken, street food, multicuisine, continental dining, diner, bistro, take away, pizza, cafe, coffee and tea shop, pastry, pub, seafood, table order booking, eateries, cafeteria, burger, fast food blogger, hotels, bakery, cup cakes, appetizer, soups, healthy eating lifestyle. Call to action, easy to use using page builder, SEO friendly, WooCommerce and contact form compatible. Editable, flexible and scalable. Demo : https://sktperfectdemo.com/demos/restara/

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Active Installations: 100+


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