Meet Minimalist
هذا القالب لم يتم تحديثه لأكثر من 2 سنة. ربما لم يعد من الممكن المحافظة عليه أو دعمه وقد يحدث لديك مشاكل في التوافق عند استخدامه مع أحدث الإصدارات من ووردبريس.
هذا قالب فرعي من Minimalist Blog.
Meet Minimalist is a multipurpose blog theme that perfect for travel, news, personal, tech, food, business, Portfolio, cooking, fashion, beauty, bakery, photography, quotes, health & fitness, media, freelance, diy, affiliate blog, small business website and any type of amazing blog. The theme option makes it very easy to customize the theme. The theme is minimal, elegant and fully responsive to all major mobile, tablet and desktop devices. The clean, modern and responsive design will perfectly showcase your contents. Designed with best SEO practices Meet minimalist has very fast loading speed. Demo and More Info:
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Active Installations: 80+
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