Plugin Tag: templates
My Templates Thumbnails for Elementor
(0 total ratings)This plugin adds a thumbnail to the My Templates library in Elementor.
Vendor Templates for Dokan – Collection of templates for Dokan sellers
(0 total ratings)A vendor template collection plugin for the Dokan marketplace. Easily customize vendor store designs with a variety of stylish templates.
Simple Debug Info Panel
(1 total ratings)Simple Debug Info Panel shows a little box on your site with helpful debugging info for developers: post/page ID, which template is being used, etc.
Page Blocks
(0 total ratings)This plugin extends WordPress pages by allowing widgets to be placed above and below the page content reducing the need to code custom page templates.
Editor for Timber
(0 total ratings)Page, Theme & Plugin Editor Extension for Timber
Posts Page: Use Page Template
(4 total ratings)When setting the 'Posts Page:' to a custom page within the 'Reading' settings of Wordpress, it will by default, ignore that page&# …
Officials Templates for SportsPress
(0 total ratings)This plugin enhances the Official profile on SportsPress by adding custom template functions.
(2 total ratings)This plugin provides a simple way for you to use the Twig templating system within WordPress themes.
Patterns Store – Creates a store to manage and display patterns & pattern kits
(0 total ratings)Create a store to manage and display patterns, pattern kits, and theme JSON packages. Perfect for designers and developers.
Custom Post Archives
(0 total ratings)Custom Post Archives creates a fully featured set of archives for each post type using a robust back-end and native templating functionality.
RD Order Note Templates for WooCommerce
(3 total ratings)Create predefined templates for order notes that you can apply to orders
Omit Parent Theme Page Templates
(1 total ratings)Omits Parent Page Templates from the "Page" edit screen in the WordPress admin.
Magic Fields 2 Toolkit
(3 total ratings)A toolkit for the Magic Fields 2 plugin for media oriented CMS web design by non programmers.
Custom Page Templates Setup
(0 total ratings)Easily add custom page templates without having to use ftp or keep track of changing themes.
Powie's TextBlox
(0 total ratings)Create Textblocks and insert it into your pages using a shortcode. You can very simple update standard text
Patternly – Gutenberg Starter Templates, Patterns, WordPress Landing Pages & Sites
(2 total ratings)Gutenberg template library to build full sites with starter templates, patterns, landing pages and ready sites for WordPress block editor.